Rice Dish with spinach & mushrooms


White vinegar 1⁄4 cup
Grated lemon peel 1 tablespoonful
Chopped onion 1 medium onion
Mushrooms 7
Rice 1 small cup
Chopped spinach 50 grams
Corn 3 tablespoonfuls
Chopped fresh basil leaves 2 tablespoonfuls
Grated garlic 2 cloves
Oil 1 tablespoonful








Heat the vinegar and lemon peel in a large pan. Add onions & garlic till tender. Mix in the mushrooms and allow cooking for 5 minutes. Using 1 & 1⁄2 cups of water, bring rice to a boilin a different pan. Add to the mushroom mixture. Put the lid on the pan and cook for about
20 minutes till the rice is tender. Stir fry spinach & basil for a few minutes and add to the rice mixture.

11 Dec, 2019

Rice Dish with spinach & mushrooms